Management fees are not just a sneaky excuse from the landlord for a quick money grab – they're essential!
The cost-sharing for the maintenance, management, and repair of common and jointly-owned parts of apartment buildings is governed by Article 10 of the "Condominium Administration Act," which states that these tasks shall be handled by the person in charge of management or the management committee. Expenses are paid from the public fund or shared by the owners according to their respective ownership proportions. If the meeting of owners or the bylaws specify otherwise, that provision will be followed. Generally, in apartments or buildings, the management fees are calculated based on the registered size of each owner's property.
In conclusion, covering shared area costs, maintenance, repairs, and even security for fancier buildings, these fees keep things running smoothly. So, next time you grumble about fees, remember: they're keeping the lights on...literally!
分擔這些費用的方式依據《公寓大廈管理條例》第 10 條:「共用部分、約定共用部分之修繕、管理、維護,由管理負責人或管理委員會為之。其費用由公共基金支付或由區分所有權人,按其共有之應有部分比例分擔之。其費用若區分所有權人會議或規約另有規定者,從其規定。」,一般的公寓或大樓多是依照所有權人建物登記坪數來計算每戶應分攤管理費用。