Finding a leasing property in Taipei-About size 台北找房-秒看懂房屋大小

Prior to leasing a property there are many requirements that need to be confirmed, and the size of the property is one of the most crucial factors for many expats. Given the variances in units across different countries, acquiring an understanding of property dimensions in Taiwan is important before choosing which house to rent.

Despite the fact that in official real estate documents such as building permits, the measurement is often in square meters, in Taiwan the unit commonly used to measure the size of a property is "坪" (ping), equivalent to「평,pyeong」to our Korean expats, or「Tsu bo」to our Japanese expats. To understand the conversion, one ping is approximately equal to 3.3 square meters or around 35.5 square feet.

The property's total area specified in the building permit encompasses the main building, auxiliary structures, and common areas. So, when viewing the property listing, please be mindful if the size shown is gross or net size. (Agents of Elegant Realty will specify.)

Property Area Breakdown

   - Main Building: Indoor area

   - Auxiliary Buildings: Balconies, terraces, etc.

   - Common Areas: Outdoor spaces like stairwells, lobbies, gardens

Usable Area Differences

   - Townhouses or Old Apartments: Actual usable area close to stated permit area

   - New High-rise Buildings: Common areas can account for up to 30% or more, reducing usable space to approximately 60% to 70% of the permit's area.


在台灣,通常以「坪」作為房屋或土地面積的衡量單位,但在如建物權狀等正式不動產相關文件,使用的是平方公尺,因此要了解換算方式,一坪約等於3.3 平方公尺或約等於英、美制的35.5平方英尺。

東北亞的日本和韓國,則和台灣一樣使用「坪」為房屋面積計算單位,三個國家「坪」的面積也相同,唯有寫法、讀音不盡相同。「坪」的韓文字為「평」,讀音「pyeong」;日本漢字也是「坪」,但讀音為「Tsu bo」。中國大陸則以「平」或「平米」,也就是平方公尺為面積單位,但多了一個「米」字,計算單位就完全不同,一平米約為0.3025坪,香港則與英美一樣使用平方英尺。


